The Passionate Health Advocate Show

Inquire, "Fix", Repeat

Episode Summary

Join Denise and her guest Kristin Jamieson as they talk about how people are the experts on their own bodies. Kristin is a physical therapist and the founder of Wellness Integrated Tools. In this episode, she shares how she educates and equips people with the tools to heal themselves. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here are the things to expect in this episode:



About Kristin:

Kristin is a Physical Therapist and Founder of WIT (Wellness Integration Tools).   After obtaining her Bachelors from the University of Colorado, Boulder Kristin relocated to the Bay Area. It was a love of science that brought her to San Francisco where she worked as a researcher at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, UCSF Department of Neurology intent on getting a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. After several years in the lab, it became clear that her calling was to work with people. She followed up her undergraduate degree with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences.

She returned to the Bay Area, this time with her husband and son, and has been practicing Manual Physical Therapy and teaching Pilates since 2003. 

She founded the company WIT (Wellness Integration Tools) in 2016 with the goal of being able to reach more than one person at a time. Over the years she has developed a method that combines many different areas of study to provide what she believes to be an easily attainable path to wellness. Her mission is to educate people about their bodies and the fascial network, provide tools to unlock awareness and promote healing, and to create a culture of prevention.


Connect with Kristin!




Connect with Denise DeShetler!


